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7 Steps to Effective Email Campaigns

Business Growth

Are you on the email campaign train?

Choo-choo – it’s time to get on board!

Email campaigns are an incredibly effective way of marketing, for businesses small and large. In fact, 77% of consumers say they prefer emails to any other kind of communications. It’s a fantastic way to share news, handy tips, offers and more. …And the best part?

It’s not as complicated you’d think. Let us break it down for you with our easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement Email Campaign guide.

How do I start an email campaign?

Don’t panic – just because it has BIG impact, doesn’t mean it’s a big deal. To help you increase engagement, convert customers and build community, all you need to do is follow 7 simple steps.

Step 1: Pick a service for your email campaign.

From MailChimp to MailPoet, and Constant Contact to AWeber, there are oodles of options for free and paid email campaign services.

When deciding, you might want to consider: • How many subscribers you can have • How many emails you can send • How user-friendly something is (templates make life so much easier) • Whether the application has analytics

Give it a Google and decide for yourself!

Step 6: Write it!

Take your reader on a journey. Write in a way that’s friendly and conversational. You can even try recording yourself speaking what you want to say and write that.

For writing great words, make sure you: • Keep it relevant (don’t waffle on) • Make sure it’s easy to read • Add subheadings and images • Match your writing to your tone of voice • Add a call to action at the end of your email • Double check information and linksEdit, edit and edit again! Send yourself a preview, and get a friend or colleague to double and triple check

Step 7: Track your campaign

Every audience is different. But by checking your campaign and its analytics—as in, how many people are opening and engaging with your email—you can make sure you’re giving your audience what they want: which gives you the best chance at converting a sale.

How else will you know what you’re doing well, and what you can improve on, if you don’t track your data?

Do you send emails to your customers? What are your top tips for great email campaign? Tell us in the comments.