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Get More Business Calls with a 1300 Number

Customer SuccessBusiness Growth

A 1300 number is a unique phone number that allows your customers to call you from anywhere in Australia at a local call cost. By using a 1300 number, you can make it easier for your customers to contact you, no matter where they are located. But that's not all, there are many more benefits of having a 1300 number for your business.

Improved Professional Image

A 1300 number is a cost-effective way to improve your business's professional image. Having a 1300 number on your website, business cards, and marketing materials gives your business a more professional appearance. It shows that you are serious about your business and are willing to invest in it.

Increased Credibility

A 1300 number can also help increase your business's credibility. Customers are more likely to trust businesses that have a dedicated phone number. A 1300 number shows that you are committed to your business and are willing to invest in the tools necessary to provide excellent customer service.


One of the significant advantages of a 1300 number is its flexibility. You can forward your 1300 number to any phone number, including your mobile phone or office phone. This means that you can take business calls on the go, even when you are out of the office.

Marketing Opportunities

A 1300 number can also be a powerful marketing tool. You can use your 1300 number to track the success of your marketing campaigns. By using a unique 1300 number for each campaign, you can track which campaigns are driving the most calls and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.


Many business owners are hesitant to invest in a dedicated phone number because of the cost. However, a 1300 number is a cost-effective solution. Customers only pay a local call cost to call your 1300 number, and you can forward the calls to any phone number, making it easy and affordable to stay connected with your customers.


In today's competitive business environment, communication with your customers is more important than ever. By using a 1300 number, you can improve your business's professional image, increase your credibility, and provide your customers with a convenient and cost-effective way to contact you. Don't miss out on the benefits of a 1300 number. Contact us today to learn more.