Boost Your Business Reach with Our Affordable 1300 Numbers.
Are you looking to increase your business reach and accessibility? Look no further than Think Pickle’s 1300 numbers. Our 1300 numbers are an affordable and convenient way to boost your business reach, giving your customers a local number to call, no matter where you are located. With Think Pickle, you can enjoy seamless and professional calls with our virtual numbers, cloud PBX and broadband services. Our 1300 numbers are designed to provide an exceptional communication experience for both you and your customers. Start reaching new heights in your business communication with Think Pickle’s 1300 numbers today.
Call reporting tool that helps identify call handling times, location of incoming calls, call completion rates, etc.
Two versions: Standard and Advanced
Standard version includes 11 predefined standard reports
Advanced version includes additional pre-defined reports and the ability to create custom reports and schedule regularly required reports
Allows market research and call analysis
Facilitates staff management
Monitors call traffic statistics
Helps monitor operational costs
Allows tracking of market trends and customer buying patterns
Analyses success/failure of marketing & sales campaigns
Web-based service management tool
Allows near real-time access and modification of inbound service configuration
Call traffic statistics monitoring in near real-time and historical reports Features scheduled change management
Allows real-time management of inbound services
Confirms that service configuration changes have taken effect
Helps with day-to-day management of inbound services
Web-based self-management tool
Allows near real-time modification of answer points of inbound services
View and modify existing configuration of inbound service
Change an answer point, overflow sequence, and activation of changes
Ability to save changes or create new plans
Request Pickle to change other call routing plan features
Includes a practice session
Allows real-time modification of call routing plans
Helps streamline the management of inbound services
Saves time and effort by eliminating the need to contact Pickle for changes